Sneak Wannabe Me- Sneak Snuck Already Was Gonna Be Bad Enough To Have Tried: Bad Ass Was Gonna say 'I am Taking The Shit" - I said Take It Then Bitch

Below 👇 
The File that Would Not Upload - done in four pieces and TRIED to send to Facebook and that 4 Minute file would not show in the picker - handled that by dividing it into four pieces shown below done beforehand. 

Police Department also has embedded into WordPress that ceased upload when I would have thought it was gone-  

See below 👇 but before let's show you the file being held strategically in queues by crimes of downlow inside the businesses that StreetNOW News reporting by Terry Dwayne Ashford have paid services using - the businesses have sided with police to hurt american people - which sends us into the businesses to chase down the Hoes. 

See below 👇

Part 4 

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1 

ABOVE see is by Terry Dwayne Ashford photo is below or attached to this News.  

Bitches ain't shit. 

Yeah 👍 we Got you. Let's Go Bitch.  Click here for the boss shit!


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